My morning walk too pretty not to share.
At the beginning of the March lockdown I fervently read a book on the benefits of being in nature and every morning after what became my ritual coffee, set out on my walk. This morning it began again only it felt more wild than before but I wonder if that’s bcos I’m seeing more this time around and after spending most part of the year walking this route that I’ve tuned in to the changing landscape.
I say good morning to the sheep, not bcos I’ve lost my mind but bcos I want to gently let them know I mean no harm as I walk through their home up the hill towards the woods where the birds sing the day to life and I stand smiling in gratitude filling my lungs with fresh air and centering myself.
There’s a long log I test my balance on like a child when my mind is racing with thoughts and I need to switch it off, concentrating on not flying in to the brambles/nettles/horse poo will do that lol
Here’s a snippet of my morning walk, sharing the peacefulness if you need it xx stay safe everyone + sane! Love J xx #hampshirecountryside #countrygirl #walksinnature