Autumn light, the great outdoors.....
This time of year is one of my favourites for stunning light and photographing Beth's gorgeous family on Clapham Common was so much fun!!
A Perfect Sunday
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rude not to have a leaf fight lol
A couple weeks ago I met Emma + Tom at their wedding venue and got the chance to explore and discuss photography for their wedding in detail with them. We conjured with sunny weather and shhh...a plan b just in case lol. Choosing spots for their private 'just married' pictures, groups images and pictures with friends and family + discussing how the day is going to flow. I'm so excited for next year, it's going to be gorgeous!!.
A haven of nooks and crannies, we had such fun dodging the rain drops, exploring hidden delights and being creative with costume changes + 'Boggin's' their lovely dog was a super model .
This image pretty much SUMS UP our photo session - SO MUCH FUN & SO MUCH Laughter!!!
These ladies were so great to photograph and we got to wander around Kensington Gardens (which is one of my favourite places in London). So fantastic to create memories and so much laughter and fun
Thank you so much xx "Just had my first look at our photographs. Love them. So very pleased with them. You are a great photographer xxxxxxx" Kathy Tallentire
Thank God for iPhones when you're a short ass!
As dusk set in, tar races started, children training to become the barrel racers as they age and quite the commotion of bangs and flames. The picture above at the beginning of the night, crowds gathered in eager anticipation. My mum and I as onlookers have NO idea what to expect apart from a crisp night and fun.
Groups of men ran around the crowd in a relay passing the barrel from one person to the next...occasionally dropping it!!! Crowds moving swiftly lol
Yep! Real flames, real Tar, real people!!
Try something new, clear out the old + make way for the new....
Camera - check √
Fresh Air - check √
Great Out doors - check √
Smile - check check √√
We had so much fun capturing these shots on location for Alitex So much craftsmanship goes into each glass house and so much care and attention is made to the process. It was a joy to work my way around each glass house we visited and discover each detail and something new! Who doesn't love being outside xx
For More info check out the OGC
I'm just so excited!! I took two rolls of film into 'West End Cameras' on Tottenham Court road last weekend and I just got the scanned images back (I'm going in to collect the actual film next week) and it felt like waiting for xmas as a kid as i had NO idea what was on one of the rolls of film and to my surprise along came Brighton - which I haven't been to in ages!!! I cannot even remember taking my holga with me so this is super fun!!
Brighton Sea front
Have a great weekend everyone and revel in the magic xx
This week has been a joy combining my photography with passion for fitness and loved every second on this photo shoot for a Personal Trainer and London Gym. (Plus LOVE the colour of the lipstick here!!)
We've been published!!!
SUPER EXCITED to share this amazing wonderful news!!!
Mark hired me through flytographer to capture his proposal to Molly on their weekend away in London in May.
Post proposal we captured some fun engagement pictures along the south bank and on Waterloo bridge enabling us to include some of our amazing London skyline
I hadn’t been back to London in 10 years, and he knew it was my favorite city in the world. He surprised me two weeks before for my 30th birthday with a trip back over Memorial Day Weekend. We took a redeye over so after exploring a bit, he took a 3 hour nap, completely eliminating any possible ideas from my mind. On a whim he decided that since it was so sunny (which as we all know can be rare for London), that we should go down to the South Bank for drinks before dinner.
Of course, what I thought was last minute, was all part of his master plan. He had been working with photographer to get me to the perfect spot, so Jackie our photographer could document the entire thing. After a failed attempt at a selfie with the sun behind us, a nice women asked if we wanted her to take our picture to capture the lighting.
Turns out the entire thing was a setup and safe to say the rest was magic!
Read the whole story here
This past weekend was full of joy and delight as I headed to Margate to photograph the gorgeous wedding of David & Dennise <3 at an 800 year old church followed by roof top cocktails and a super special reception at their own pub! This is just a snippet.....more to follow just as soon as I've finished editing their amazing day xx
The tones in this gorgeous bridesmaid bouquet sat so perfectly with the ushers and groom's suits
Friday August 18th, 2017......Hampshire for a super church wedding in Chawton then on to the wonderful Highfield Park in Hook...heart is overflowing xx
#weddingwednesday and these are too pretty not to post!!! Loving the tones, this bridal party rocked!!!
Sunny Margate on Monday
On Monday I went down to Margate and had a fabulous afternoon hanging out with these two...wandering around their wedding venues and capturing a bevy of wonderful pictures for their pre wedding pictures!! Super excited for their wedding at the end of the month!!
Friday was definitely FRIYAY.....outdoors all day amongst the sunshine photographing on a commercial shoot with wonderful people and Saturday.....well that brought ALL the feels with an early morning proposal and then venue visit with one of my gorgeous August couples :-)
Waiting with a tea for Saturday morning's proposal in one of my favourite London spots!! It was a gorgeous morning!! A little sprinkling of rain and then a glorious mix of sunshine and a soft cloud...and "she said YES!" so happy!!
Saturday afternoon around Dulwich...awesome collection of street art which I ALWAYS LOVE..this is brilliant and so fun to discover somewhere new. My late August couple live around here and so exploring with them and finding their fav spots was brilliant xx
Training Points, Crystal Palace, July 25th 2017
It's always fun to do a double take when I recognise and see images I've taken #beaming
Sunny Margate
The gems you discover on a venue visit in a completely new place and with a couple who have a wealth of knowledge......this stained glass window is over 800 years old in a little chapel that escaped Henry VIII's reign + destruction. It's utterly beautiful and breath taking x
THESE Colours!!!!! Oh my goodness, what a perfect way to end the week!
Smiling looking at these feminine and strong tones. Shirley's dress just pops off the page and it brings me so much joy to look at this session. Shot around London. <3 London
Have a great weekend everyone! xx
Ive also just polished off a pot of Ben & Jerry's dairy free ice cream, thank god I can't get it at home lol
So, Boston to Tivoli, upstate NYC, then to Princeton New Jersey and Philly, from Philly to Cape Cod then Cape Cod to Maine. Phew I think or at least I feel like I've driven more in the last week than in the last year at home lol it has been EPIC!! I've taken yoga classes in 2 new studios, caught up with old friends, sat by the pool, searched through antique markets for fun curios and treated myself to 'Lush' bath scubs because after 8 hours in a car I needed to help the circulation around the whole of my body and smell good!!
Driving thru NYC and the Bronx Expressway :-) heading north to my photo 'home'
A menagerie of snaps from my phone of part of my adventures.
It was great to be present whilst away and feel connected to the things around and not just right in front of me Lol I've posted on Instagram and that's about it. I haven't listened to the news or allowed it to be the first thing I turn on at the start of the day and I feel like I got my life back! I guess a bit of a digital detox, once again I'm thrilled again by life and the adventures it holds rather than exhausted by the things I'm listening to......LONG MAY THIS CONTINUE!!
Super thrilled and delighted to share with you that my images have been featured over on The Knot
Braydon, 'Flytographer' and I had planned this for a little while, skyping and emailing and it's so fun to see it from Ryan's perspective as she had no idea what had been planned or was unfolding....
"Walking up to the entrance was like a fairytale. The ponds and beautiful visions of green were unreal. I had never seen ponds with real lily pads – I was so taken aback by it all. Braydon took a few pictures of me on his phone near the ponds and then pointed out a fountain nearby with an even better view. We headed that way and we took a selfie in front of the fountain. Then, he said, ‘Let me get one of just you.’ He took a step back and as I posed for the picture, I realized Braydon was on one knee holding a beautiful diamond ring in his hand".
I kissed my new fiancé and shortly after, a woman walked up to us holding a camera. She introduced herself as Jackie, our Flytographer. It turned out she was blending in among tourists the whole time and captured the moments of the proposal. The selfie we took in front of the fountain was the cue that Braydon was about to propose. Braydon let me know that Jackie and he had been emailing and Skyping to plan this all, along with his mom sending that last-minute email for a change in fancier attire. All this planning that he put into the proposal made me fall in love with him all over again.
Heart silhouettes infront of Kensington Gardens
Jackie brought out some Prosecco for us and began to take some awesome engagement photos. As we were walking to another spot in the gardens, Braydon’s family arrived and I was so overwhelmed and overjoyed to see their faces, knowing I was going to be a part of such an amazing family that I’ve loved for so long. For the next few hours, we had a blast getting our photos taken as a family. When we were finally wrapped up, I called my parents and they were so happy, and completely unsurprised, but the waterworks still came. As much as I couldn’t wait to see them back home, I was so excited for the whole week we still had ahead of us in London. We all went to dinner and had the best sushi and some delicious cocktails that were perfect for toasting. We ended the night the best way we knew how, popping champagne and having a dance party in the hotel room. It was a day I could relive over and over, it was an absolute dream come true.