Magical morning walks….
For the last few days I’ve been hiking for a couple of hours as the day begins and the birds are singing their hearts out.
It’s so joyful.
It’s nearly 5 years since I read ‘The Nature Fix’ by Florence Williams. Little did I know when I picked this out at Boston Airport March 18th, 2020 - just how much it would shape and frame the months that followed.
It’s a wonderful book if you haven’t read it, detailing studies around the world on the benefit of time in nature - I recommend it to everyone!
It’s easy to get into something and then step away for a moment only for that moment to become much longer than one intended. I’ve missed walking every day and starting my day walking 5 or 6 miles before the world wakes up.
I’d replaced it with hot yoga or swimming but increasingly I’ve really missed the fresh air you just don’t get in a chlorinated pool lol and so, bundling up against the morning chill i’ve been stepping out. Ordering the day + my thoughts.
Wherever you might be this week, I hope you take a moment to tune in to the dawn chorus, the crisp air or the sun on your cheeks x