Monday morning confessionals..

Magical morning walks….

For the last few days I’ve been hiking for a couple of hours as the day begins and the birds are singing their hearts out.

It’s so joyful.

It’s nearly 5 years since I read ‘The Nature Fix’ by Florence Williams. Little did I know when I picked this out at Boston Airport March 18th, 2020 - just how much it would shape and frame the months that followed.

It’s a wonderful book if you haven’t read it, detailing studies around the world on the benefit of time in nature - I recommend it to everyone!

It’s easy to get into something and then step away for a moment only for that moment to become much longer than one intended. I’ve missed walking every day and starting my day walking 5 or 6 miles before the world wakes up.

I’d replaced it with hot yoga or swimming but increasingly I’ve really missed the fresh air you just don’t get in a chlorinated pool lol and so, bundling up against the morning chill i’ve been stepping out. Ordering the day + my thoughts.

Wherever you might be this week, I hope you take a moment to tune in to the dawn chorus, the crisp air or the sun on your cheeks x

I've got a lot of catching up to do...

sooo..........I have no excuses, I should have been posting a couple times a week and keeping up with my blog.....I haven't and I feel like a naughty school girl (which completely goes against my 'head girl' status, I'm shinning my halo furiously right now lol)...sooo...

.I've been photographing the most beautiful weddings all over the country and being asked to submit work to magazines, I've done fun mini-sessions and received amazing compliments from my clients :-) I've had ex students get in touch out of the blue and it's been so fantastic to catch up on where they're at AND I've been capturing Bachelorette parties and engagement proposals...which has been such an honour and a real blessing and over the next week I'm going to write about all of them...for are some pictures from these wonderful occasions <3 xx