Sunday morning confessionals

I can’t believe this time last week I was a bag of nerves preparing to hang my photo show at The Allen Gallery.

I’d been to a hot yoga class to help find some calm/grounding/balance + it worked but I was also a mixture of excitement to be displaying images in a different way (tacked to the walls) + nervous as to how it would look and be received.

A week on and its been pretty intense. The volunteers at the gallery, Mick and Josie were soooo helpful and encouraging and Tony gave the seal of approval when it was all in place and between them they were such a tonic :-).

International Women’s Day 2023

Celebrating International Women’s Day, 2023

 What’s your ‘Wish or Hope’ for the future? 

This photography project began with Ivy, then 5, in 2021. I was curious at that time to understand what people were thinking and I loved the idea of using audio and visual references to record each sitter's response. The project lay dormant until last year when I picked it up again as part of my masters programme and began asking girls and women in our community if they’d like to participate. 

Photographing in the garden at The Allen Gallery (which is beautiful) and around Alton, it was my vision to create a variety of images, at differing distances from each sitter with a mixture of quiet moments, reflections and laughter in order to begin building a collective visual.


I am incredibly grateful to all the sitters who shared their time and stories with me, it has highlighted just how much of a rich tapestry of inspiring, creative, generous and kind women we are surrounded by here in Alton.

My hope or wish for the future is....
question posed by Jackie King Photographer to each sitter

This summer…….

September has rolled around and autumn is nipping slightly at the days beginnings and ends, whilst the glow of August lingers a little.

I gleefully always seem to be on catch up, on the back foot when it comes to sharing and posting photo work and jobs and berating myself for not posting in a timely manner or at all.

Its not that i dont want to, often i am caught between waiting for clients to post first then i share OR another reality which happened last night. I got home from a fabulous full days shoot, downloaded my images, checked them over, imported them to Lightroom and fell into bed. Knowing I had to drive 3 hours to a glorious destination today for a photo session tomorrow.

I'd love to pretend I have all these people, all these teams doing all the things that ensure smooth sailing of a small business but it's not, it's all me and if I'm knackered and dribbling then it's best I step away from a screen, put myself to bed and gear up for the next day. I'm certain you understand and it really helps saying it out loud.

So a snippet, shared from the gram of a recent epic 2.5 hour session in London with wonderful Lisa Berkovitz. Finding the light, the joy and the moments, laughter, positivity and connection….more on the gram, or here or both. Here's to a happy September x

YES!! Friday afternoon confessions.......has anyone seen summer?

If so, could you just politely direct it over here please :-) Thanks so much!!

Well, hello Friday!! How’s everyone doing?

This past week has been a super fab, crazy, zesty mix of editing, photography and client meetings with a slithering of yoga in person as a student and gym workouts to get my fitness + stamina back up as weddings approach!! The challenge of sitting to edit photo sessions is real now and I’m having to take a break and step away from my screen every 45minutes - to think pre pandemic I used to sit locked in for hours at a time now seems impossible!!

BUT I am super excited not only to be back right in the mix of photographing an amazing array of FOOD, PORTRAITS, LIFESTYLE and LITTLE PEOPLE + I am stoked to share a few images from this weeks sessions and commercial shoots!


Images above taken at The Greyfriar Pub in Chawton ahead of their opening May 17th and capturing their new menu and staff pictures!!

Whooooo it’s an amazing feeling to be photographing, being creative and mixing safely with clients and friends again :-)

Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend! x

Friday Night Confessionals.......2021 International Women's Day

This year……ZOOM ruled


As International Women’s Day approached this year I had been spending this lockdown online studying my other passion, Yoga Teaching. The love and happiness that flowed out of the screens during class was phenomenal.

I pondered ways to celebrate and appreciate this when it occurred to me we were graduating the day before on March 7th so I asked if anyone would love to be involved and created the #choosetochallenge images for the IWD Gallery and some additional images for fun :-)

Totally amazed it worked and beyond thrilled these amazing souls below were up to experiment and see what would happen, we laughed A LOT and created some beautiful images. Thank You everyone xx My heart is FULL xx


International Women's Day 2020

Celebrating ‘Friendship’

March 2020

I couldn’t let this year pass without celebrating - every year I capture portraits of women which then become an exhibition with the idea of inspiring younger generations.

This year the arts project in Croydon is taking a break + I thought it would be great to do something a little more casual with the end results being shared online during the day of International Women’s Day. I set about thinking of friends who work in central London so I could be in one spot and it wouldn’t be too tricky for them to come to me with the theme ‘friendship’ + ask them for their own interpretation, feeling, word, colour - whatever it was that resonates with them.

  • so Friday 6th these gorgeous ladies below swung by for chatter, tea, pictures + let me take their photo.

I also had in my mind that I’m trying something new….challenging myself + stepping out of my comfort zone to shoot in a different way, to step back slightly, to allow the images to sit together, to continue for the month of March, to include portraits where the sitter isn’t smiling - I CANNOT even BEGIN to tell you HOW HARD that was!!! + produce a lovely project + as it turned out, was a very poignant theme.

Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 09.35.22.png

Above a screen shot of my final selection of images, Below the final cut (or so I thought!)

I loved how everyone’s response was very different.

I wanted to bring people together with this project, to share their individual interpretation of “friendship” + to create portraits where I challenged myself in the image making. I am really good at getting right up close to people and in to their space to capture their essence + to be honest this has turned in to a process of challenging normality for me, for sitting on my own hands when I wanted to move in closer or select the happiest photo in the selection + publish on socials only my finely curated selection of happy.

What transpired was me forcing myself to choose images I loved but were perhaps a little more sullen than my usual work. Not soley to challenge myself but to look at the images with a different perspective, a different vantage point. That in itself challenged me to let go and reconnect to being happy with the images myself, whichever ones I chose + trusting the ‘process’.

It’s also been about a conversation Tanya and I had about the viewers experience and ‘seeing’ as the artist or photographer was at the precise moment in time and layering on top of that what we bring in the form of our own interpretation/feelings/emotions/life events to any art at any given moment.

My normal way of working is interacting, observing, creating ease between me, my camera and my sitter, recording just the right representation that I see in any given moment that I feel is an accurate representation of them - on Friday, I stepped back, I deliberately created space to see if it impacted the images I created, if it brought something else forward. So a project based on friendship and exploring how we see.

It’s interesting that looking through the selected images of each of my friends , the versatility of their emotions and our conversation serves as a great mixture to capture slightly different feelings in each picture + the selections below are to appease my controlling mind and show the fun we had!! :-) They also work really nicely as a set of images.

I’m continuing this project and excited to capture more friends through March - over on instagram you can also hear everyone’s interpretation of ‘friendship’ . Have a fab March + enjoy x


Friday Afternoon Confessionals

On this grey, rainy Friday I thought sharing these guys might lift the mood!

Photographed around Shoreditch + Brick Lane, I love the ever changing graphics, the blasts of colour casually illuminating the area and pops of wow when you see something new.

It had been a while since I photographed a session around this area and I always arrive way before a session is scheduled to reccy the area and with the light beautifully pouring down the high street I was excited with what lay ahead in our session.

Super colourful London Love


These guys were so fun and open to ideas and beyond cute with each other!!

Just beyond Spitalfields and on the way to Brick Lane is a outdoor studio delight - if you LOVE texture + rustic colours lol.


No understatement on how IN LOVE I am with this backdrop!!!!!!! Part Penelope Pitstop Part evil rider lol


As I mentioned!!! THAT LIGHT - I mean hello!!!! We also met the owner of the shop these two are in front of + who had arrived to open and kindly and graciously let some smooching happen before he got to work :-) #LOVELONDON

To book your couples session (or surprise proposal, it’s almost getting to that time of year!!!) drop my an email or give me a call and we can coordinate a plan :-)

Have a great Friday!!xx

Friday afternoon LOVE confessionals.......turned in to Sunday night love vibes

AMY & JOHN - Sept 21st, 2019


Soooo. I have been trying to post this for days, literally since last Wednesday. Poor Amy she must be going crazy wondering where her lovely post is - well, here’s the thing - I have re-arranged, reshuffled, edited, added, taken away + NOTHING seemed to give (to me) adequate justice to just how much emotion and feelings were in John + Amy’s wedding. + esp The Romance, the Light!! + The love, until now.

Amy gave me so many beautiful compliments for her wedding photography I wanted to include this too as I had to re-read her lovely message a couple of times and sit down and read it over again. I always strive to do my best on each wedding day + each wedding day is a live event so anything can happen at any given moment and so to touch or make someone smile by capturing their day makes my heart burst x

“Oh my god Jackie,

I have been on an emotional rollercoaster this evening! I can't believe how BEAUTIFUL they all are!

I couldn't be happier, you captured the emotions, the atmosphere, the fun and made everything look soft and romantic and just stunning!


The ones of my dad's speech are so emotive and his face when I'm walking down the steps to him and I can't get over how beautiful the golden hour ones at the little fox are, you've made me look beautiful and John looks so handsome and they're such romantic pictures!

You're totally awesome as a photographer and a friend! You are such a positive ray of sunshine and it was so great to share all of my plans with you and for you to be a part of our day xxxxxx xxxx xxxx”


Getting ready, those fun and sometimes frantic moments of preparation and then THOSE moments when you’re in your dress + your brother arrives + you take his breath away. Matthew + their Dad shared duties of giving Amy away + they both did such an amazing job!!

In the stunning outdoor setting of Ness Gardens, Amy’s older brother walked her to their Dad and he walked Amy up the remainder of the Aisle towards John.


Open Air ‘I do’s’ + a very sophisticated bridal party!!


NOW THESE DETAILS!!!! Hello, rocking the blue, the wedding favours which were packets of seeds (epic) the cake topper and the flowers…so much romance interlaced.

THIS PICTURE! I get as a viewer of this blog you’re only seeing snippets of the entire day but I hope it conveys the romance and happiness + the feeling of family centred love and the speeches always hold a lot of pressure for those delivering them and cross the spectrum on funny, crazy, embarrassing + loaded so THIS picture makes me tear up every time .

Unsure if he would be able to deliver a speech, Amy’s dad has been a little poorly so he and her older brother shared the moment - a moment arrived when Dad felt he was able + there was not a dry eye in the house, the sentiment + love radiated from him + I need another tissue again now……..

As day merges in to evening, the light (AMAZING LIGHT!!) changes and guests mingle, chuckle, have fun and catch up I was able to scoot around + capture some family fun and THEN Amy + John took themselves off for a little walk…… divine + a peaceful breather before dancing, cake cutting and evening guests arrived……


First Dances can be soft r dramatic and I love how the blue lights capture these two perfectly and match their colour scheme!!!
