Sooooo, I’m sitting here Friday August 2nd…
A special day, My mum’s birthday - we went to the beach for fresh sea air, ate fish n chips (then vegan ice cream when we got home - have you tried the Vegan Magnum?? OMG!!) and I feel blessed we had a sunny day - we went to Goodwood one year and the heavens opened and we got drenched!
AND I’m beaming because I’m also thoroughly delighted the short film I worked on in April in Dublin had a screening this week, unfortunately I wasn’t able to get back to Dublin for it BUT I was most definitely there in spirit :-) + I’ve been made up that the poster is a combination of two of the images I took as ‘Stills Photographer’ - I can’t wait to get my hand’s on an actual paper copy too - I’m going to pin it up in my office, I might even frame it!
Patricia wrote, produced + directed this film and what a talent to be able to do all three! She + I met in 2000 on set of a feature film in the depths of Dublin, it was an ‘experience’ and firm friendships were definitely formed, the kinds were an event bonds people and that shared hilarity/crazyness/dancing/cocktail experience means those friendships even if not seen every day, still remain and make you smile when you see that person or people again.
I remember Patricia constantly writing back in the day and so you know when you are just beyond thrilled to witness their journey and see the process unfold, it’s such a blessing to cheer them on and working alongside Patricia again was wonderful. I’m pinching myself in fact because even though 19 years ago I clearly remember the ‘professional’ photographer coming on set to take the pictures for the poster, DVD case etc…..Now full circle I was taking those shots.
I guess it means more when you circle back to where it all began and a bold move + sense I had to make a change, trusting my heart that it’s whispering ‘you need to do this’ even when I couldn’t see how it was going to turn out - but letting it unfold at it’s own pace, ended up changing my entire life.
So I’m chuffed to pieces for Patricia + super chuffed to have captured the stills for her + see them take on new life in the form of the poster + I’m excited to see where this goes x