International Women’s Day 2023

Celebrating International Women’s Day, 2023

 What’s your ‘Wish or Hope’ for the future? 

This photography project began with Ivy, then 5, in 2021. I was curious at that time to understand what people were thinking and I loved the idea of using audio and visual references to record each sitter's response. The project lay dormant until last year when I picked it up again as part of my masters programme and began asking girls and women in our community if they’d like to participate. 

Photographing in the garden at The Allen Gallery (which is beautiful) and around Alton, it was my vision to create a variety of images, at differing distances from each sitter with a mixture of quiet moments, reflections and laughter in order to begin building a collective visual.


I am incredibly grateful to all the sitters who shared their time and stories with me, it has highlighted just how much of a rich tapestry of inspiring, creative, generous and kind women we are surrounded by here in Alton.

My hope or wish for the future is....
question posed by Jackie King Photographer to each sitter